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Showing posts from October, 2018

Canned Silkworms?

While reading up on some additional variety I could feed my trio of fire skinks, I came across someone who said her fire skinks loved the  Zoo Med Can O Silkworms . While I am certainly not an advocate of feeding any insectivorous reptile primarily or even to anymore more than a small extend canned food, I thought I would give it a try and if it worked I would offer them a few times per year for additional dietary variety. Much to my surprise, the fire skinks completely ignored the can o silkworms. If I had then trained to tong food or mixed it in with something else they were eating out of a bowl, I suspect I could have gotten them to eat it. As it turns out the can was not a waste though as adult barrel skinks and my male jeweled lacerta ate them. One painted agama ate them but only if I dropped them in front of him to create some motion.  Overall, I would rate the product as fairly effective but it really depends on the specific animal how useful they will be. They ...

Keeping and Breeding Central American Banded Geckos (Coleonyx mitratus)

The Central American Banded geckos is a very fun species to keep. They are not a species for someone looking for a pet to handle, but they are ideal for someone looking for low maintenance pet where you can leave the weekend without worry or need for a pet sitter. They are very colorful lizards, although they do hide a fair amount. However, I enjoy seeing them come out and catch insects from time to time and of course there is some interaction during cleaning.  They also do not need a lot of space, a 10 or 20 gallon tank will work just fine for a single individual or a pair. I keep the breeding adults in 17x13 inch storage boxes with lots of ventilation holes drilled into them. I would not recommend anything smaller than this because you need room for a water bowl, a moist hide box, and a dry hide box, a cool side, and a warm side. I keep these geckos in a dedicated reptile room so ambient temperatures are in the mid to upper 70s and I provide them with a 3" section of h...

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