Here are some random birds of prey photos I've taken over the years. Please keep in mind some of these are quite old and were taken back in the "digiscoping" days when people held cheap cameras up to telescopes (perhaps some still do?). My setup combined a cheap scope, flimsy tripod, and a cheap camera for the trifecta of cheap!
Let's start with some owls. Here is a snowy owl at a beach in New England.
A great horned owl at a cavity nest in MO.
Some barred owls from MO and New England.
How about some red tailed hawks?
Red Shouldered Hawks from New England and Florida
Here's a couple of hawks I found nesting in MO but the pic is not very good and I never tried to identify it. If someone is good with hawks, let me know what it is!
And another unidentified hawk, this one from New England
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