While reading up on some additional variety I could feed my trio of fire skinks, I came across someone who said her fire skinks loved the Zoo Med Can O Silkworms . While I am certainly not an advocate of feeding any insectivorous reptile primarily or even to anymore more than a small extend canned food, I thought I would give it a try and if it worked I would offer them a few times per year for additional dietary variety. Much to my surprise, the fire skinks completely ignored the can o silkworms. If I had then trained to tong food or mixed it in with something else they were eating out of a bowl, I suspect I could have gotten them to eat it. As it turns out the can was not a waste though as adult barrel skinks and my male jeweled lacerta ate them. One painted agama ate them but only if I dropped them in front of him to create some motion. Overall, I would rate the product as fairly effective but it really depends on the specific animal how useful they will be. They ...
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